Morgan | Portraits

It's always so nice to hang out with other photographers and talk about behind the scenes stuff, but it's also super nice to talk about anything BUT cameras and photography. To spend time with a friend who does a similar thing is very recharging, so I was glad when my and Morgan's schedules lined up and we finally got together after not seeing each other for a whole year! Morgan also is a photographer (you can check out her work here) who is in college, so it was understandable how crazy things were for us. Morgan and I met two years ago when we took the same Italian class at community college together, although we never talked until the very last day of class when I nervously asked her if she would model for one of my upcoming shoots. She kindly did (you can see the pictures from that shoot here), and we've remained in contact ever since! We got coffee, ate, took pictures, got my hair professionally braided, ate some more, and tried not to faint in the 120° heat index. Although you could never be able to see the suffocating heat by looking at the pictures, because Morgan somehow remained looking gorgeous and unaffected the whole time.

These pictures are a mixture of digital and film, the black and white squares are medium format.


Vivi | Fredericksburg, VA Senior Portraits


Learning New Things: Medium Format