I have been shamefully neglecting my blog for the past month. his post is a little late, but better late than never! I spent awhile going through my hard drive for the pictures I took in 2011 and picked my some favorites. It's the first time I've ever stepped back and looked at a year in photos as a whole, and it was really a strange experience. It makes me realize that I've learned a LOT, made some progress, and in some ways regressed a lot. Looking at my pictures from last year has made my goals for 2012 much clearer, and I now know what I would like to improve/carry on with. Thank you to everyone last year who hired me and given me experience, and everyone who has offered their encouragement to me. Photography is my joy and expression, and it means the world to me to have support out there and people to share it with. This is a BIG post and isn't very client shoot based, most of the photos are just personal moments and favorites, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!


Gari Melcher's Belmont Senior Portraits | Tabitha

